Beekman Transport Logistics & Warehousing Apeldoorn
Vickers EMS
About Beekman Transport
Beekman Transport Logistics & Warehousing B.V. is a versatile logistics supplier from Apeldoorn, established in 1937. The company is specialised in (special) transport, distribution, warehousing and Value Added Services.
Though the CSR-policy of Beekman Transport is, admittedly, still in its preliminary stages, the first steps to more sustainable business operations have been taken. To this day, 60% of the vehicle fleet has been replaced by the environmentally-friendly EURO 6-trucks, which comply with very strict emission standards. They produce less soot, have higher combustion efficiency, lower fuel consumption and lower carbon emissions. What’s more, Beekman is analysing the current electricity usage of its sites, so that extra energy-saving measures can be taken in the near future.
Our challenge
The warehouse of Beekman Transport is 5,000 square meters large and serves as storage space from where goods are transported to destinations around the world on a daily basis. The management of Beekman Transport was interested in the savings potential of the Vickers EMS, partly because of the (financial) quick wins. After a technical survey, Sprinx was commissioned to achieve at least 25% gas savings within a maximum of 18 months.
The location in Apeldoorn uses eight heaters, spread across several rooms. All of these needed to be connected to the Vickers EMS.
Gas consumption reduced by two-thirds thanks to Vickers
The system was installed in August 2014, enabling the system to start saving from September onwards. After exactly one year, the Vickers EMS achieved savings of no less than 66%, even after a degree days correction. This corresponds with a reduction of almost 40,000 m3 and 70,000 kg CO2. The payback time has ultimately been halved and now comes down to 0.76 years (9 months).
Beekman has more sites in the area of the current warehouse, but these buildings are rented from other companies. Sprinx is currently exploring the opportunities for the Vickers EMS within the rest of these properties.
NB: Because the gas consumption of heaters is weather dependent, Sprinx adjusts the savings based on the average outdoor temperature during a specific period, otherwise known as degree days. This provides a realistic view of the savings effectively achieved by Vickers EMS.

“We are very happy that we have been able to cut our energy bills thanks to this system. Add to that the short payback time and it is obvious that we are talking about a highly efficient product.”
Martin Beekman, CEO Beekman Transport Logistics & Warehousing B.V.
66% | savings |
39.179 m3 | gas |
69.738 kg | CO2 |
0.76 years | payback time |
Want to know more about Vickers EMS?
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Call us on +31 10 - 225 06 00, complete the contact form or send us an e-mail.
Beekman Transport Logistics & Warehousing Apeldoorn
Technische Unie Amsterdam